
"We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it." - Roald Dahl

About Matthew Slough

Matthew Slough is the author of the End of the World fantasy horror series, the first of which, The Farogat Society, is now available on Kindle...

"Some of my work is a little haphazard, my writing is more a conscious stream than a perfectly planned and choreographed narrative. Perhaps I need to study the art of writing more and perhaps one day I will... but for now, I just love a good story with a beginning, middle and end, as long as its good. Even if at times you wonder just what the hell is going on!

In fact, I don't always like to know!

I like to work in an extremely lazy, evasive way, taking as few swipes at my stories as possible and just let them grow organically, the best parts of some of my stories came out of nowhere, if I try not to make things happen, invariably they do. I don't think the more I work on something the better it gets, quite the opposite, in fact I like to 'have written' rather than 'to write'."

He is divorced and lives in the Midlands with his children.

"Books are uniquely portable magic." - Stephen King